We are committed to environmental improvements of change and a sustainable future for present and generations to come. Litter pollution on land and in the ocean, improved recycling measures, and a focus on the natural habitat.

A massive litter pick up movement to keep outdoor spaces sustainable and healthy.

We’re an international 501(c)3. A non-profit organization with a world-wide community dedicated to keeping our neighborhoods, parks, beaches, mountains. rivers, oceans and open places cleaner and safer.  The impact of littering affects the impact of eco-systems and human health. Volunteer collective efforts result in reduction of waste pollution in public places, waters and along roadways.

Litter pollution is widespread and something each person can personally address.  We help facilitate the mentality beyond the idea that it’s ‘not their job’, or ‘not their problem’ and instead encourage each person to do their part.  A cultural attitude of “I clean up after myself” must be as natural as making a cup of coffee. Studies show litter begets litter. Our role is educating and inspiring individuals to take action to improve their community environment. That’s because peer groups are powerful and when worked together, they can provide impressive impact. It’s all about the massive amount of positivity. We are lucky to have friends, family and community residents to give people a pathway of taking action.

We believe that people are naturally responsible; if we encourage them to care for their favorite places, to pick up after themselves and others, then our communities will likely become self-sufficient, clean and more enjoyable. We aim to build a caring community of active volunteers and invite neighborhood groups, local businesses, and other organizations to show their community pride.

HASHERS NOT TRASHERS (HNT) is quickly moving towards having volunteers in all 50 states and is growing with international city participation.  Our objective is to create a sense of pride and purpose to keep our outdoor spaces as pristine and clean as possible.   A need to teach others a sustainable lifestyle including recycling, reduction of plastics, protection and care for the earth.  An added bonus is  showing how this would also save money for present and future generations.   Holding ourselves accountable for a more sustainable environment.

Together we will make our Earth a happier, cleaner, safer place for all.

Last modified: June 2, 2021

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